Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Year.. New Life.. New Hope! ^__^

Another Year just passed me by..
Another Life is coming..
Another Hope is waiting to fullfil in..

After all the bad times happened in my life..
I always believe that more goodness is waiting to happen in my life..

Life is such a mistery..
and the mistery will revealed.. sooner or later..

Don't be sad..
Don't give up..

Keep in believe..
that God always give the best things for us! ^__*

Love always around the people who believe in..

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Menghapus JejakMu

terus melangkah melupakanmu
belah hati perhatikan sikapmu
jalan pikiranmu buatku ragu
tak mungkin ini tetap bertahan

perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu
kucoba untuk terus menjauh
perlahan hatiku terbelenggu
kucoba untuk lanjutkan itu

engkau bukanlah segalaku
bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkah
kuusai sudah semua berlalu
biar hujan menghapus jejakmu

terus melangkah melupakanmu
belah hati perhatikan sikapmu
jalan pikiranmu buatku ragu
tak mungkin ini tetap bertahan

perlahan mimpi terasa mengganggu
kucoba untuk terus menjauh
perlahan hatiku terbelenggu
kucoba untuk lanjutkan itu

engkau bukanlah segalaku
bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkahku
usai sudah semua berlalu
biar hujan menghapus jejakmu

lepaskan segalanya
lepaskan segalanya

engkau bukanlah segalaku
bukan tempat tuk hentikan langkahku
usai sudah semua berlalu
biar hujan menghapus jejakmu



Hanya Ingin Kau Tau

Ku t'lah miliki...
Rasa indahnya perihku
Rasa hancurnya harapku
Ku lepas cintaku

Rasakan abadi
Sekalipun kau mengerti
Sekalipun kau pahami
Pikir ku salah mengertimu

Ho wou aku... hanya ingin kau tahu
Besarnya cintaku...

Tingginya khayalku bersamamu
‘Tuk lalui... waktu yang tersisa kini
Di setiap hariku
Di sisa akhir nafas hidupku

Walaupun semua
Hanya ada dalam mimpiku
Hanya ada dalam anganku
Kulewati itu


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wish that You were a Gentleman!

9 July 2007


After all we’ve been through.. ternyata semua itu ga ada artinya yaa..

Gw kecewa, gw sedih.. dan gw juga ga percaya kalo lu bisa sejahat itu ama gw..
Padahal kalo bilang baek2, mungkin gw ga sekecewa ini..

Ternyata lu sama aja dengan semua laki2 brengsek yang ada di hidup gw..

Gw curious banget sebenernya dengan semua yang terjadi..
Tapi kembali lagi ke surat gw yang sebelumnya, semua yang di Atas yang mengatur..
So I can’t say no more then.. ;o)

Gw kaget aja, semua terjadi begtu cepat tanpa gw tau apa-apa yang terjadi..

Ada untungnya juga gw tau sekarang, ga nanti pas lu uda merid.. secara gw uda mulai pamer foto gw bedua ama lu ama orang2 pada.. karna gw ada keyakinan lu ga ngemainin gw, tidak sekejam inilah at least...

Gw mau marah, buat apa? Apa gunanya sekarang? Lu emang jago yaa.. dan gw terlalu naif..

Kalo gw tau dulu, pasti lu uda gw labrak abis2an! Hehehe.. kalo sekarang mau apalagi?
Nasi uda jadi bubur istilahnya! ;p
Intinya, semoga kalo lu punya anak cewek, ga diginiin ama cowo2 karna karma bapaknya yaa..

Well, gw mau ngucapin SELAMAT MENEMPUH HIDUP BARU aja ama lu..

Takutnya, sms gw lu apus sebelum dibaca...
“Har, CONGRATS for your Wedding yaa! ^_^ I don’t know what’s on your mind and why did you hide this from me for a long time.. Lu ga bermaksud membiarkan gw tau setelah lu merid khan?coz itu bakal kejam banget, n gw yakin lu ga seperti itu orang nya khan.. padahal semakin cepat lu kasi tau gw, semakin bagus luoh.. coz lu jadi ga lama2 nyakitin gw nya.. eniwe, gw diundang ga niey? ;p gw uda bilang ke elu sebelumnya khan.. kalo gw memutuskan untuk tetap dateng ke pernikahan lu.. coz bagaimanapun jahatnya lu ama gw sekarang, dulu lu pernah jadi sahabat, kakak, n lover yang berharga buat gw ;)

Oya, DADU masi hak milik gw khan?! Kirim aja ke gw yaa.. alamatnya: Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam VIII F/9, Jakarta Selatan, ditunggu yak! Ama kalo bisa video mesangih gw yang jadul banget di elu itu juga yaa, coz qta uda ga mungkin ktemuan lagi khan bo’... ~(^o^)~

well, gw ga mau ganggu lu ama calon lu lebih lama lagi, takecare, thanks for everything and have a happy life! ;) GBU

"My Thoughts" - Woman's Instinct

16 June 2007


Gw sayank lu banget, no matter what you are like…

Kalo memang ini yang lu inginkan.. gw Cuma bisa berdoa yang terbaik buat lu..
Mungkin gw memang bukan yang terbaik buat lu, terutama saat-saat seperti ini..
Gw tidak akan menyesali perasaan yang gw punya.. gw uda berusaha yang terbaik buat lu,
Mencoba mengerti dan bersabar.. tapi mungkin yang diAtas punya rencana tersndiri buat qta..

Kalo bisa siey sebenernya gw pengen lu coba bilang baek-baek ama gw, kenapa lu belakangan berubah banget.. ngilang dari gw.. cuek ama gw.. uda ga pernah telponan dan curhat2 lagie..
or even just a silly jokes as usual..

Jadi khan qta tetep bisa keep contact dan gw juga bisa atur perasaan gw buat yang baru ;)

Just for you to know, sesaat gw sempat kepikiran pengen ngilang aja dari dunia..

Tapi setelah itu bayangan keluarga gw berkelebat.. gw ga bisa egois..
walo rasa ini begitu besar dan menyesakkan.. tapi ini bukan berarti akhir dari hidup gw..

gw harus tetap tegak bertahan! Karna mungkin semua ini cobaan dari yang di Atas buat cerita cinta gw.. gw merasa koq ga ada abis2nya yaa.. tapi siapa tahu mungkin ada rencana besar di depan ato mungkin ini hukuman setimpal atas kesalahan2 yang gw buat sebelumnya, hehe..

well, that’s life...

Intinya gw tetap pasti akan mendoakan kebahagiaan lu..

Semoga lu bisa cepet dapet yang terbaik buat lu, jagain lu, support lu, nemenin lu saat2 susah, sedih dan senang tentunya..
Biar nyokap lu juga bisa cepet dapet temen baru, coz adek lu uda mau merid khan, hehe..

Har, last but not least.. thanks buat semua lesson yang lu pernah kasi ke gw yaa..

Maap kalo gw ada buat kesalahan dan mungkin uda jadi beban lu belakangan ini..
I really wanna be your shoulder to cry on actually..

Tapi kalo lu nya ga mau dan di Atas juga ga setuju, susah juga yaa.. ;p hehehe..

Lu mungkin mikir gw koq gampang banget marah, bilang udahan lah, menuduh lu macem2 lah..Padahal qta ga ada status khan.. tapi terus gampang lagi berubah, mungkin semua itu karna ada BIG “?” di hati gw.. jadi itu Cuma ungkapan gw.. gw berusaha untuk selalu jujur tentang apa yang gw rasain saat itu.. well, that’s me ;o) beda banget ama lu, yaa.. hehe..

Well Har, jangan lupa maem, istirahat dan sholat yaa..

Cepet selesaiin S2 nya, bukan buat sapa2 tapi buat diri lu juga..
Biar ga ada beban dan memperkecil pengeluaran lu..
Sukses dengan toko lu dan proyek2 lu yaa..

Takecare my sweetheart.. and untuk yang pertama dan terakhir kali mungkin, gw mau bilang that.. I Love U so much! :) maybe more than anyone before..

Takecare Haroko-san.. –Miz U badly actually-

God Bless U Haroko.. my Harotz..

Ps: if you need me for any help, I’m still here for you.. with my pleasure of course ^_*

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

senja menjelang malam!

Redup cahaya...
menerpa kerinduan hati yang kian jauh..

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Musics of My Heart

Loe pernah ngerasa ga.. "wuah, ni lagu gw banget!"
^o^ hehehe... kayaknya siey rata-rata pernah ngerasain ya ga siey ?!
cuma kadang gw juga suka bingung kalo ada orang yang ga punya kenangan apa-apa dari sebuah lagu!
well, everybody is unique! isn't it?

oks, back to my topic..
kalee ini gw pengen berbagi dengan temen-temen apa yang lagi gw rasain lewat ene lagu2..
kalo lagi stuck ma orang, itu semenjak gw ktemu dia, and gw sedikit berharap dia bisa mencintai gwe and nyayangi gwe apa adanya..
-stickwu, since i found u, everything i am- :))
coz gwe tulus banget sayang ama dia.. n so in love with him lah... - i don't know why -

souw, buat nyang baca niey blog, mudah2an kita bisa berbagi rasa yaa..

entah kapan...
entah darimana...
entah bagaimana...
dia datang bgtu saja...
menghanyutkan alam sadar...
dengan segala keajaibannya!

well, enjoy the songs ..................................................................... !!! ^_^


I don't wanna go another day,
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
Seems like everybody's breaking up
Throwing their love away,
But I know I got a good thing right here
That's why I say (Hey)
Nobody gonna love me better
I must stick with you forever.
Nobody gonna take me higherI must stick with you.
You know how to appreciate meI must stick with you, my baby.
Nobody ever made me feel this wayI must stick with you.
I don't wanna go another day
So I'm telling you exactly what is on my mind.
See the way we ride in our private lives,
Ain't nobody getting in between.
I want you to know that you're the only one for me(one for me)And I say
And nowAin't nothing else I can need (nothing else I canneed)
And nowI'm singing 'cause you're so, so into me.I got you,
We'll be making love endlessly.
I'm with you (baby, I'm with you)
Baby, you're with me (Baby, you're with me)
So don't you worry aboutPeople hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know me
And that's all that counts.
So don't you worry about
People hanging around,
They ain't bringing us down.
I know you and you know meAnd that's why I say


i think of you in everything that i do

to be with you what ever it takes i'll do

cause you my love, you all my heart desires

you've lighten up my life forever i'm alive

since i found you my world seems so brand new

you've show me the love i never knew

your presence is what my whole life through

since i found you my life begin so new

now who needs a dream when there is you

for all of my dreams came true

since i found you

your love shines bright through all the corners of my heart

maybe you are my dearest heart

i give you all i have my heart, my soul, my life

my destiny is you forever true... i'm so in love with you

since i found you my world seems so brand new

you've show me the love i never knew

your presence is what my whole life through

since i found you my life begin so new

now who needs a dream when there is you

for all of my dreams came true

since i found you

my heart forever true...

in love with you..


i may not be beside you every day

i may run out of tender words to say

can't promise you the world

when all i have is love only love

i may not be the one you thinking of

i may not fit your perfect dreams of love

one thing i know for sure and you can rest ashore

my love is always yours

oh baby won't you look into my eyes and see

beyond the things i'm not as love inside of me

just love me for all the things i am love me...

the light inside the darkest sight

try to love me for everything i am...

i may not be the one you thinking of

i may not fit your perfect dreams of love

one thing i know for sure and you can rest ashore

my love is always yours

oh baby wont you look into my eyes and see

beyond the things i'm not as love inside of me

just love me for all the things i am love me...

the light inside the darkest sight

try to love me for everything i am...

you you've been inside

you've seen the darkest side of me

i've shown you everything i am

everything ohh baby...

won't you look into my eyes and see

beyond the things i'm not as love inside of me

just love me for all the things i'am love me..

the light inside the darkest sight

try to love me for everything i am...

the light inside the darkest sight

try to love me for everything i am...


Monday, March 27, 2006

Know yourself by Birth Date!

Hey... I am the girl Number 3 ! ^_^
what about you ... ?

If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month you are number 1.
If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month you are number 2.
If you were born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month you are number 3.
If you were born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month you are number 4.
If you were born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then you are number 5.
If you were born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month then you are number 6.
If you were born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month then you are number 7.
If you were born on the 8th, 17th, 26th of a ny month then you are number 8.
If you were born on the 9th, 18th, 27th of any month then you are number 9.

Number 1
You are smart, frank, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous on competing basis, kind hearted, friendly, and authoritative.
Famous Person always want to be and regarded as First on position, they are often like to be independent, will never be under others, self confident people!

You are most likely to fall in love in the younger age, but will get married when you mature!
You are likely to have problems with people who have opposite views and you are most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis.
You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future.

If you are guy, you will be very popular that everybody will have mental attraction and respect you.
You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of the parliament because you are positive and talented in numerous issues!!
But make sure in your life, you will always have some people who will work hard to support.

Because of your smart behavior, you will be hated by some people too.
Your family life is very cool; you will have a very nice partner & wonderful children.
You are Pioneer, Independent & Original.
Your best match is 4, 6, 8 good match is 3, 5, 7.

Number 2
No matter what, you will be loved by every one because your ruler is the Moon and every one loves the Moon, huh!! Well, you are a person who daydream a lot.

You have very low-self confidence, you need back up for every move in your life.
You are very much unpredictable means you do change according to time and circumstances.
Selfish and have a very strong sense of musical, artistic talent, and verbal communication.
Your attitudes are like the Moon comes to Gloom and fade away so everybody can expect changes in you. You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi who is peace loving or you can be a Hitler who wants to destroy the mankind and peace.
I mean in the community and your own home.

If you really have a deep thought about your own, believe in God, you can feel the difference which will make you stronger!
Most of the time your words are a kind of would be happening.
True! You can predict the situation.
You will become poets, writers, or any artistic business people!
You are not strong in love, so you will be there and here till you get marry.
If you are a girl, you will be a responsible woman in the whole family.
If you are a man, you will involve in fights and arguments in the family or vice-versa.
You are gentle, intuitive with a broad vision, a power behind the scenes, well balanced people!!!
Your best match is 2, 5, and 9 no other people can put up with you!!!

Number 3
You are a person of hard hearted, selfish most of the times, religious,loves to climb up in your life.

You always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will put up with everything.
You have strong word power, pretty happy face, so wherever you go, you always have got what you wanted!!! And from the birth you always wanted to work hard in order to achieve something.
You will not get anything without hard work!
When you reach a Man/Woman age, you want other younger listen to you because you want younger people to respect older people.
You do set so many examples to others.
Generally you re not a cool person.
It's not easy dealing with you!
But once you like someone's attitude, then here you go.
It will be a lasting friendship.
You always have respect from others.
Your life seems to have lots of worries and problems but they won't be long.
You will always have brilliant kids!!!
You love money a bit too much so temptation will push you to endless trying.
If you are a guy, you will be looking after yourfamily and helping friends, and will spend a life time just being
generous and (except 21st born Men) you will be such an example of how to be in the culture & Life!!!

If you are girl, then it's your good character and hardworking attitude you always follow.
You are a Freedom Lover, Creative Ambition focused who brings Beauty, Hope & Joy to this world!!!
Your best match are 6, 9. Good match are 1, 3, 5.

Number 4
You are very stubborn and very hard working.
You have rough word power which might put lots of people away from you.
You may cause nuisance to others if you are a man.
You often understand others well and their problems.
If you are a girl you are very good with studies and arts.
If you are guy you spend most of the time after girl friends.
You will have fun life with mates & girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and get away with their life and you will become empty handed and don't know what to do, so be careful!!
You love to spend anyway!!!
Your good will is you are always there to help family and friends.
You always fall in love in younger age as well.
You need to be careful of people who will take advantage of
your kind heart and beware of your relations too.

You are practical, patient, persistent, a bit old-fashioned.
You best matches are 1, 8. Good matches are 5, 6, 7.

Number 5
You are very popular within the community.
You can get things done by just chatting to even enemies!
You have a pretty good business mind.
You are someone who acts on impulse.
You will be famous if you open up a business, get involve in share dealings, music etc.
Very popular with sense of humor, you are the one your friends and families will always ask for help and
you are the one actually get money on credit and help your friends!!
You will have more than 1 relationship, but when you get settle down you will be a bit selfish.
Anyway, because your other half will have a pretty good amount of control in you.
Be careful you tend to go for other relationships/contacts even you are married at times because of your
You are someone who gets along with anyone because the number 5 is themiddle number.
You like changes and freedom. You are an Explorer with Magic on your face.
You learn your life through experience and it's your Best Teacher!!!
Your best matches are 1, 2, 9. Good matches are 6, 8.
---> where's number 3 ???!!! huhuu...

Number 6
You are born to enjoy.
You don't care about others, you always want to enjoy your life time.
You are a person.
You will be very good in either education or in business management!
You are talented, kind (but only with people who you think are nice), beautiful girls and guys.
Popular and more than lucky with anything in their Lives.
All the goodness does comes to you.
The mind and body is just made perfect.
If you are a number 6 man, you will experience looks from most girls and will involve in more than few
relationships until you get marry!!!

If you are girl, most of them will get marry/engage early.
You are caring towards your family and friends.
You are a person of Compassion, Comfort & Fairness, Good judgment, and after all you can heal this world to make peace forever because you have great power of caring.
Your best matches are 1, 6, 9. Good matches are 4, 5.

Number 7
You have got the attraction to anyone out there.
You are realistic,confident, happy, a talented individual in your Education, Music, Arts,Singing, and most importantly Acting. You have real problems with bad temper!!
If you are girl, you are popular with the subjects listed above,you give up things for your parents, I mean you value your family status a lot.
You will be in the top rank when you reach a certain age!
If you are a guy, you are popular with Girls.
You are a very talented too!
Most of the number 7s faces lots of problems with their marriage life.

Only a very few are happy!!
It's probably the Lord give you all sort of humans talents and you are about to suffer in family life, so you need to get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting.
If you don't, then you might end-up single!!!
You are wonderful, Friendly, Artistic, Happy person.
You are born to contribute lot to this world!!!
Your best match is 2. Good matches are 1,4.

Number 8
You are a very strong personality, there's no one out there will understand you.
You are very good at pointing your finger at some thing!!!
You are more likely to suffer from the early age poverty.

If your times are not good you might lose either of your parents and end up looking after your entire family. You often suffer all the way in life.
The problems will not allow you to study further, but you will learn the life in a very practical way!!!
You are the one will fight for justice and may die in the wartoo!!!
You are normally very reserved with handful of friends and most of the time, live life lonely and always prepared to help.
Well, once you get marry (which is often late) then your bad lucks will go away a bit, then you become safe.
Beware of un-expected problems from the terror, government, poisonous animals & accidents.
You are someone with discipline, persistence, courage which will take you to the Success!!
You are a Great part of a team, family and a fighter!!!
Your Best matches are 1, 4, 8. Good match is 5.

Number 9
Hey, you guys are the un-compatible people in the world, you are so strong, physically and mentally.
You often have big-aims.
You will work hard and hard to get there, normally you suffer in the early age from family's problems and generally you will have fighting life, but when you achieve what you have done, it's always a big-task!!
You are so much respected in the community.
You are a person who can make a challenge and successfully finish the matter off.
You are very naughty in your younger age, often beaten up by your parents, and involve in fights and you seemed to have lots of injuries in your life time, but when you grow, you become calm and macho type!!!
Tell you what, Love is not an easy matter for you.
You are good in engineering or banking jobs because people always trust you!
Your family life is very good, but will have worries over your children.
Your qualities are humanitarian, patient, quick witted & compassionate, You are born to achieve targets and serve every one all equally without any prejudice!
You are totally a Role Model to everybody in the world for a Great Inspiration!!!
Your best matches are 3, 5, 6, 9. Good match is 2.

Trust yourself!
This is just a neuromology prediction....!!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Bad dream vs reality ?

Sribu panah menusuk...
Mimpi buruk...
Enyahlah engkau!
Pikiran buruk...
Menjauhlah engkau!

diri terlalu takut...
bila mimpi itu adalah nyata!

Kemana kuharus berlari ?

Bila smua terjadi...
akankah luka hati mampu tertutup
oleh sang waktu ?

Akankah smudah itu...
hati berpindah
dari satu hati ke hati lain
dan hati hati lainnya ?

bahkan mungkin beberapa hati
skaligus ?
dan terus...
terus mencari hati lainnya yang mampu
menyamankan hatinya ?

dimana kesetiaan tersembunyi ?

Inikah hidup ?
penuh gejolak dan tanda tanya semata ?

Ya, JAWABAN pasti akan datang saatnya!