Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What people say about me... in ONE word! ;)

---> describe me in one WORD, plizzz... just ONE!

dearahdiana: semoxxsss
ithonk_s: gugupan !
mba Tyas: marketer
dew1s: kalem
Noora: easygoing girl
beby_vanessa: friendly
Iman: aktif
Santi: optimis
Fretty: business
ike: aktif
adhecool: tomboy
Nita: independent
eranitasari: cheerfull
liena: cheerfull
helen: friendly

Chiekung: GEEK....!!!
perDana: "ASYIK"
Cen cen: undescribable
Dodik: cerewet
Dodik: tapi baikkkkk bgt
Mas Caca: rame
agus2lo: sporty
Wendy: ndutz
Bagus 98: sweet
Mas Wandi: ??
cak_ra: borntobeanentrepeneur
happydays_pati: cool
satyakumarbs: Love
May: gigih
Mba Elin: 1 word...kamu itu 'LUCU'

Ceking: itemmanis
Wahyoe: smart
gus4d1: creatip
KOi: sexy
Boy Zuul: crazy
Ngurah Eka: tomboy!
Mario Cahyadi: 'ramah'
Mikong: "LUGU"
raymond: kekawatiran
Tinker: Gembul ..
Balon: smart
pronx: "Kesepian" mirip kek lagu yg judulnya: Alone
Anno: NGOTOTan
mimi: great
Aulia: determined

My Cyber Friendship

People think that friendship in cyber is impossible...
well, maybe i also think like that before i met my cyber friend...
i thought that chat in cyber.. make new friends in cyber is full of lies...
no body tell the truth things about themselves... they chat only for fun...
or even only for (sorry) sex approach experience...

But the thought start to change since i met my new cyber friend
from a different country and culture...
and also.. because one of my playboy friend start to change
and become loyal to his lovely cyber girlfriend from another country too...

Well... Actually, our first met was just a coincidence...
like usual... i was on chat... and i don't know where on earth...
we just then 'buzz'ing together...
at first time... our conversation didn't go well...
coz we have a different timing to have a chat...
one in the morning and the other is at night...

but finally... after we didn't talk each other for a long time...
we got the same timing to chat when we already got a jobs...
and that's the story start growing from time to time...
we had a continue chat... but sometimes we're too busy with our own jobs...
so that we can't had a chat to each other...

but it doesn't matter...our friendship still continuing...
then we start to talk about our family, our plan, our dreams, our activity,
our love problems and else...
that's so much fun in there... :)

day by day.... we get closer and closer....
and now we become a bestfriends... (i think... :-p )

well, friends...
having a new friends and become best friends with all the people in the world...
is very exciting things...
it will make your life full with colour...


(this was also add to satya's blog)

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Tears in my heart...


Who's gonna be my husband... ???
will i get marry someday?
coz it's seem like impossible for me...
after i had my heart broken into pieces...

am i really a picky woman?
I just... wonder...
what kind a guy will be my lovely future husband...???
will he be a nice guy...?
a guy who i can share my laugh & tears together?

is there someone out there who really think that i am the only one for him...
i ever felt like that to a man...
but unfortunatelly it didn't work...
can i feel that feeling again? can i?
trully... i doubt it... :(

but i'll try to accept another one in my heart...
i JUST need someone to love and beloved by someone...

SOMEONE i can trust.... i can lay my life on him...
Someone who wants to share DREAMS and LIFE together with me...

A man who can respect me as a woman...
accept as i am...
and treat me like i am the only woman for him in this world...

And I DO.. I PROMISE.. that i will do the same way he does to me...
i will love him forever...

are the Most Important things for my marriage...

i have a deep confusing...
i cannot choose one at this time...
too confuse to decide... which one is the right one for me...

well, time is keep running...
i don't have much time to have a long and complicated relationship,
without any ending...

Should i give all up to You... My Lord...
just wait for my destiny.. for my soulmate...???
and accept the matchmaking stuff..??
Can i feel one more time.. just one more...
to fall in love again...
just ONCE again.. feel a GREAT love...
not only love or deep love...

I do like being single.. and also happy...
but i also feel lonely at the same time...
i'm too confuse to think right now...

Dude... do u have any idea gals & guys???

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Kos oh Kos...

Kos oh Kos...

kos baru.....
:)) huekhehehe.....

Punya tempat huni baru memang menyenangkan...
walopun itu cuma kos2-an ato rusun ato gubug derita (ceilee... dangdut banget gw!) ;))
yang asix apa???

pertama, qta bisa dekor ato susun barang2 sesuai selera qta... (ga bakal ada yang protes or marah.. hehe..) ebli pernak pernik...
hias sana hias isni... yang bikin kantong qta kena serangan miskin tiba2... huehehe...... tapi teuteup... MENYENANGKAN... bagai unta di padang rumput...

kedua, qta bisa ga terikat jam malam! horeee...............BEBAS!!! (tapi bebas yang masi bertanggung jawab yaa.. jangan "kebablasen" yee ;P huehehe...)

trus bisa nambah temen...
which mean..................................................
makin banyak kenalan, network qta kemana2 makin luas...............
gw yang hobi traveling... of course nya demen banget memperluas pergaulan...
so, kalo mo maen kemana2 ada tempat berteduh... hihihiii...
kalo bisa malah punya banyak kenalan bule... tapi bule baek2 yaa... jangan bule preman tukang tipu! [-( --> ada yang punya link mungkin ;;)

tapi hari pertama di kosan.. rada homesick juga siey.....
coz.. biasanya ada aja yang menyambut dengan hangat atopun nada tinggi tapi akrab...
dan kini..di kosan... *siiiinnggg*.. sepi tiada orang menyambut....
sohib.. workaholic.. (sebenernya siey die sleepyholic, tapi terpaksa jadi workaholic :)) HAHAHA... tatiaannn dei loe bu!)

well, smua itu ada pahit manis nya khan.... (kcuali buah asem ga ada manis2nye dah!) ;)) hihiiii...
hidup penuh warna.............
makanya mari qta isi hari2 qta dengan berbagai kegiatan ...
hingga berharga untuk tiap detiknya...........

oks, the point is.... GW BISA BANGUN rada SIANG sekarang.........
